Source: helpers.js

 * Fetches a gltf model from the given url and returns it
 * @param { string } path the path to the gltf model
 * @param { string } alternativePath the path to the gltf model if the first path is not working
 * @returns { Promise<THREE.Mesh> } mesh mesh of the gltf model
async function getMeshFromBlenderModel(path, alternativePath = "") {

  // @ts-ignore
  const loader = new THREE.GLTFLoader();
  let mesh;

  // check if file exists
  const response = await fetch(path);
  if (response.status === 404) {
    console.warn(`local file of model (${path}) not found`);
    if (alternativePath === "") {
      console.warn("no alternative path provided");
      console.error("model not found");
    console.log(`trying to load model from alternative path (${alternativePath})`);
    path = alternativePath;

  // use three.js to load the model
  await loader.load(
    (gltf) => {
      mesh = gltf.scene;
      dispatchEvent(new Event("modelLoaded"));
    undefined, (error) => console.error(error)

  // wait till the model is loaded
  await new Promise(resolve => addEventListener("modelLoaded", resolve, { once: true }));

  return mesh;

 * Checks if a point is inside a mesh
 * @param { THREE.Vector3 } point point to check
 * @param { THREE.Mesh } mesh mesh to check
 * @returns { boolean } true if the point is inside the mesh
function checkIfPointIsInsideMesh(point, mesh) {
  try {
    var localPt = mesh.worldToLocal(point.clone());
    return mesh.geometry?.boundingBox?.containsPoint(localPt);
  } catch (error) {
    return false;

 * Gets the vector where the camera is looking at
 * @param {THREE.PerspectiveCamera} cam camera to get the vector from
 * @returns {THREE.Vector3} vector where the camera is looking at
function getCameraLookAt(cam) {
  var vector = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -1);
  return vector;

 * Converts degrees to radians
 * @param {number} deg The angle in degrees
 * @returns {number} The radian value of the given degree
function degToRad(deg) {
  return deg * Math.PI / 180;

 * Checks if two meshes are intersecting with each other
 * @param {THREE.Mesh} mesh1 first mesh to check
 * @param {THREE.Mesh} mesh2 second mesh to check
 * @returns {boolean} true if the two meshes are intersecting
function checkCollision(mesh1, mesh2) {
  const box1 = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(mesh1);
  const box2 = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(mesh2);
  return box1.intersectsBox(box2);

 * Creates a bounding box around the given mesh and shows it in the scene
 * @param { THREE.Mesh } mesh mesh to create the bounding box around
function showBoundingBox(mesh) {
  const box = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(mesh);
  // @ts-ignore
  const boxHelper = new THREE.Box3Helper(box, 0xffff00);

 * Turns a vector around the vertical axis (for plane movement)
 * @param { THREE.Vector3 } vector vector to turn
 * @param { number } angle angle to turn
 * @returns { THREE.Vector3 } turned vector
function turnVectorAroundVerticalAxis(vector, angle) {
  let newVector = new THREE.Vector3(vector.x, vector.y, vector.z);
  newVector.applyAxisAngle(new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0), angle);
  return newVector;

* Turns a vector around the horizontal axis (for plane movement)
* @param {*} vector vector to turn
* @param {*} angle angle to turn
* @returns { { newVector: THREE.Vector3, turnedBeyondYAxis: boolean  } } new vector and if the vector turned beyond the y axis (to check if the plane is upside down)
function turnVectorAroundHorizontalAxis(vector, angle) {

  // get the horizontal vector
  let horizontalVector = new THREE.Vector3(vector.x, 0, vector.z);

  if (showFlightVectors) showVector(horizontalVector, sceneObjects.modelPlane.position, "horizontalVector", 0xff0000);

  // get the vertical vector
  let verticalVector = new THREE.Vector3(0, vector.y, 0);

  if (showFlightVectors) showVector(verticalVector, sceneObjects.modelPlane.position, "verticalVector", 0x00ff00);

  // get the cross product of the horizontal and vertical vector
  let crossProduct = new THREE.Vector3();
  crossProduct.crossVectors(horizontalVector, verticalVector);

  // cross product always have to be the right vector (because of the right hand rule)
  if (crossProduct.x < 0) {
    crossProduct.x *= -1;
    crossProduct.y *= -1;
    crossProduct.z *= -1;
  if (vector.z < 0) {
    crossProduct.x *= -1;
    crossProduct.y *= -1;
    crossProduct.z *= -1;

  if (showFlightVectors) showVector(crossProduct, sceneObjects.modelPlane.position, "cross-product", 0x0000ff);

  // rotate the vector around the cross product
  let newVector = new THREE.Vector3(vector.x, vector.y, vector.z);
  newVector.applyAxisAngle(crossProduct, -angle);

  // check if one of the x or z values are 0 to avoid division by 0
  if (newVector.x === 0 || newVector.z === 0 || vector.x === 0 || vector.z === 0) {
    return { newVector, turnedBeyondYAxis: false };

  // check if the vector turned beyond the y axis
  let turnedBeyondYAxis = false;
  if (
    (newVector.x / Math.abs(newVector.x)) !== (vector.x / Math.abs(vector.x)) ||
    (newVector.z / Math.abs(newVector.z)) !== (vector.z / Math.abs(vector.z))
  ) {
    turnedBeyondYAxis = true;

  return { newVector, turnedBeyondYAxis };

 * Shows a vector in the scene and if the vector is already shown the previous one will be removed
 * @param { THREE.Vector3 } vector vector to show
 * @param { THREE.Vector3 } position position of the vector
 * @param { string } name name of the vector
 * @param { number } color color of the vector
function showVector(vector, position, name, color = 0xffffff) {
  let helper = new THREE.ArrowHelper(vector, position, 1, color); = name;